Note: Over the next week, I will be introducing readers (however few there are) to the new format of The Daily Octane. Each day will be the topic reveal for that calendar day going forward. Additionally, I will provide context for why I feel I have ANY business even writing about the subject.

A New Beginning
As I was planning out this blog several weeks ago, I came up with seven topics for seven days with ease. There was no question that I had even more than seven topics I could discuss on a weekly basis. I ran into a problem limiting it to seven.
I made the choice to pick the top six that I could topically write about on a weekly basis. With those six topics established, I then brainstormed a myriad of ideas for the coming months and Wildcard Wednesdays was born.
Click Here to read about the decision to start over
From this day forward, I may grab something from the headlines and take some time to inject my opinion on the matter. If not a headline, I may write about a topic that doesn’t fall under the defined parameters of the other days. Wednesdays will be kind of loose since that is really the point.
Its all about what you know
At 44 years old, I have acquired a rather sufficient amount of life experience. However, I am also not a dive bar old timer obfuscating about better days gone by. Some subjects I feel I have passion about and a modicum of insight on include:
I serve on the local Democratic Committee and my girlfriend works professionally in politics. Recently, I have started getting involved in local politics. I certainly have a vocal opinion.

In a small way, tomorrow’s topic will touch on some travel topics. It is not only about travel, so Wednesdays will be a good spot for this topic. In my years, I have been to most of the United States. During my military days, lived in Japan and traveled around southeast Asia a bit. The Bahamas and the Caribbean have recently been favorite destinations and I am planning to hit Europe next year. I have cruised several times and will certainly be doing that more in the future.

Small Business
Being a small business owner for six years has offered me some insight into the pitfalls and rewards of being your own boss. I have made the transition into having employees and changed business entities. I have lost employees and gained wisdom. There is a lot to unpack.

The most beautiful thing about parenting is that there is no right way to do it. The most terrifying thing about parenting is that there is no right way to do it. That is Dad life in a nutshell. I have two teenage boys and coparent with my ex-wife pretty well. There is always something to discuss there.

Food & Drink
Without any doubt, I am a foodie and a wine/beer snob. My Italian Mother taught me a ton about cooking and how to do it well. I also eat out on the regular basis. A wide variety of beer and wine pleasures my palette, but I am currently Keto, so wine it is at present time. When I travel, I feel compelled to post all of my food on social media. I am aware that I am a victim to modern social media tropes and I am okay with that.

There is undoubtedly many other subjects in which I can put several hundred words on the interwebs for your enjoyment. Only time will tell how interesting it will be.
An interesting start
Before I close down today’s post, I would like to look back on the past week. I know there is another topic to go tomorrow, but that is probably THE topic people been expecting, so it won’t be a surprise to most. Over the past week, I have taken a website that I have owned for years and finally decided to do something with it. I have connected it to my Adsense account, researched and implemented several plugins to improve layout and functionality, learned how to established a Pinterest presence and began establishing a following there.
What is amazing to me is that people are finding this blog and actually reading it. It is not just my social media networks either. This blog is getting search traffic from Google and Pinterest searches. While I am not going to see any money from Google anytime soon, I have “earned” six cents. That makes me laugh but it is still money.
Once again, I know this is a short post. Tomorrow’s topic is the one that I probably have the most to say about so I will give you plenty to read then. I hope you come back for more…
Christopher Hess, LMT