Trying Again

So I feel it is time to return to journaling. Well, lets be honest…I never really got going with journaling in the first place.

Where to begin? I suppose I should find a method of journaling first. I like this app. It serves my needs, so far as I can tell. I just need to stick with it. That is where I always fail.

I have begun creating online content again. I have always tried to force my narrative in the past, which generally led to me bitching about politics. Surpirsingly, with TikTok, the content seems to be finding me. People actually comment on there and so far, that has offered me a nice space to cultivate new ideas for videos.

Yesterday, somebody commented and asked for hotel recommendations…so that is what today’s video will be. I will shoot a talking head and then add some images and video that I have from the resorts.

That will be my project as soon as I am done with this journal entry.

Checkup on life for future readings:

I just returned home earlier this week from my FIFTH Dopey Challenge at Walt Disney World. I feel surprisingly good now compared to how I felt during the runs. My miniscus tear was pretty brutal during the runs, specifically the half and full marathons. It was really bad for a couple of days after the runs. On Thursday, I noticed the pain had significantly subsided. I did a workout on Saturday that tested my knee a little and it wasn’t too bad.

Christopher is visiting this weekend. I forced him to move out a few months ago after he was arrested for a DWI. He lives with my ex-wife now, but I am pleasantly surprised that we have maintained a positive relationship.

Work is going well. I am very happy with my career and the business is thriving, although I could certainly use some more therapists. As a matter of fact, i have to fire one tonight. He just isn’t cutting it. This past year, I began working with Syracuse University Football, and that is going well. I am supposed to start back up with them in February, but I am quickly learning that their schedules are kind of loose. That doesn’t serve me well, but I will try to manage.

Jessica and I are doing well. We have our ups and downs, as any couple does, but our relationship is clearly built on a solid foundation. She has been exploring the reality that she is likely autistic, and that has profound effects on our marriage. That is a topic for another time.

Michael is doing very well, so far as I can tell. He does not communicate like Christopher does, so I am often left to gleen an understanding of his mental state from a small sample set. But he seems happy enough. He is living with me full time now.

That is good for now. Establishing a habit is the first step. I will expand on that later.