Note: Over the next week, I will be introducing readers (however few there are) to the new format of The Daily Octane. Each day will be the topic reveal for that calendar day going forward. Additionally, I will provide context for why I feel I have ANY business even writing about the subject.

Hello, My name is Chris and I am a Technoholic.
There is absolutely no doubt about. I legitimately cannot help it. If you are a consumer electronic manufacturer and need a guinea pig, I am most assuredly your guy. I love to add new gadgets and gizmos to my diverse smart home setup. If That Then This, otherwise known as IFTTT, and I have a powerful relationship. We will get into that service another time.
In my Saturday blog post, Gaming Saturdays, I recalled my early exposure to The Intellivision gaming system at age 4. As I grew up into my adolescence and then teens, my parents were amazing about feeding my technoholic addiction. Christmas morning brought programmable robots, walkie talkies, computers, and a myriad of other 80s wonders.
As I reached adulthood and personal computing began to really take off with the arrival of the modern internet, I entered a new world of techie amazement. Suddenly I could research the hot new thing. News about technology trends was being fed to me on a daily basis through a screen in my home office. E3, or the Electronic Entertainment Expo, was coming to prominence in the industry at the same time I was living in southern California. I attended the event several times. It was like entering Heaven and I fell deeper into my addiction.

Being a Technoholic is hard when you are broke
The main issue that plagued me in my 20s was a decided lack of funds. The first few years were ok because I was still in the Marine Corps. It is shocking how much extra money a young guy in the military has if they don’t drink and live in the barracks. Once I was married and separated from active duty, that changed in a significant way.
Regardless of my financial woes, I still found ways to obtain the elusive gadgetry my brain and heart required. I got my hands on a cell phone as an early adopter of the technology. I had a touchscreen computer monitor long before the usefulness of it was even realized by developers. Surround sound found its way into my home as soon as that was developed. That was purchased with a Radio Shack credit card, in case you want to conceptualize how long ago that was.
Generally, I was able to beg, borrow, or steal my way into the tech world enough to keep the demons away.
Real jobs make real money
In yesterday’s post, Massage Therapy Mondays, I recount my years after the Marine Corps where I continued my trend of low income, unsatisfying employment. But in 2001 I landed a job at AT&T in which I made more money than one would expect from a call center job in Syracuse, NY. Cue some new and amazing tech in my life.
One could say I went on a rampage for several years. I sought out the very best laptop and desktop. Gaming systems found their way into every useful room of my apartment. As soon as they hit Best Buy, I bought a 1080p rear projection television that was an absolute monstrosity in hindsight.

All the purchases I and the overdrawn credit cards and fights with my ex-wife during that time seem quaint compared to today.
Now that I am firmly seated in my 40s and have achieved a modicum of success financially, I cannot help myself. Luckily, I have an amazing girlfriend that keeps me pretty humble and grounded. She also this innate way of scowling at me when I attempted to adopt a new technology that simply isn’t necessary.
It is still everywhere, no matter what
Regardless of her ability to oversee my spending, my girlfriend had not yet arrived on the scene when I was doing most of my recent collecting.
The Smart Home marketplace is inundated with wondrous options for someone life me. Here is a brief list of the smart home gadgets I enjoy everyday in my home:
Phillips Hue Lighting System
Nest Thermostat
Ring Doorbell
Blink Camera System
Google Home
Additionally, I have been a huge fan of some other tech that I will highlight in future posts here. These include, but are certainly not limited to:
Wahoo Kickr
GoPro Cameras
DJI Majic Pro Drone
Samsung S9+
Samsung Galaxy Tab S6
Boosted Board
An assortment of Gaming Tech
I am by no means a tech expert. I am a hobbyist at best, but I am incredibly passionate and try to keep with any and all news coming out of that industry. Please come along as I dive deep into my obsession in future Tuesday posts.
Christopher Hess, LMT
Remember to come back tomorrow when I reveal Wednesday’s topic.